Spanish Courses Available via Zoom or Skype

Our Online Spanish Courses

Current & Upcoming Courses



Groups at levels 8 and 15.
Pair course at level 9
One-to-one at levels 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 18 and 20.


Group at level 1


5 classes per week

Classroom time: 60 hours

If you are starting from scratch, levels 1 and 2 provide your basic Spanish language survival kit, with words and phrases you can start using right away. You’ll learn the essential sounds of Spanish, and tips on the process of learning a language.

At this level, you’ll be able to:

  • Exchange basic personal information

  • Talk about your family

  • Conduct a complete basic dialogue in a café or a shop

  • Ask where specific places are in town

  • Talk about the weather

  • Describe your house and where you live

Grammar covered:

  • Construction of simple sentences

  • Conjugation of fundamental verbs

  • Use of basic question words

  • Agreement of nouns and adjectives by gender and number

  • Articles, demonstratives and possessive adjectives


3 classes per week

Classroom time: 60 hours

At levels 3 and 4, you’ll  begin to experiment with language patterns, using your own initiative to express yourself and apply what you learn to everyday situations. You should start feeling more confident and independent in using the language.

At this level, you’ll be able to:

  • Talk about your daily routine, free time and weekend or holiday activities

  • Understand and give directions

  • Order a meal at a restaurant and have a complete dialogue with the waiter

  • Ask and give information about cultural events

  • Ask about train, bus and flight timetables

  • Talk about frequency of activities

  • Express and grade your likes and dislikes

Grammar covered:

  • Imperative mode: requesting or ordering someone to do something

  • Wide range of common verbs, including: ir, venir, trabajar, hacer, levantar, acostar, cerrar, abrir; plus verbs endings and reflexive verbs

  • Present indicative mode in all persons

  • Personal pronouns

  • Grammatical structure of gustar

  • Contrast between present indicative and imperative mode in form and use

  • Adverbs of frequency (e. g. siempre, normalmente, a veces)


“I have found Spanish classes with Eduardo very helpful in gaining a grounding in everyday conversation. It has given me the confidence to make myself understood in the local shops, the post office and on the buses. Recommended !”

Kevin Boylan (Level 4)


2 classes a week

Classroom time: 60 hours

At levels 5 and 6 you should be feeling independent enough to practice your language skills outside the classroom. You’ll want to start expressing yourself in the past and future tenses, and this course provides precisely the language tools you need.

At this level, you’ll be able to:

  • Ask about and describe future plans

  • Make social arrangements

  • Use the phone with standard phrases and have a complete conversation

  • Describe how your day went

  • Ask people about their work and describe your work

  • Talk about how you’re feeling

  • Make a doctor’s appointment

  • Apologize and give reasons why

  • Shop for shoes and clothes – ask an assistant for help

Grammar covered :

  • Use of presente habitual and presente temporario.

  • Expression of completion of actions by use of the pretérito perfecto (e.g. ya he hecho las compras) and pretérito simple (e.g. fui al banco)

  • Expression of immediate plans using a combination of verbs with ir a, preferir, querer, etc. (e. g. voy a hacer algo)

  • Some uses of the verbs llevar and quedar

  • Use of countable and non-countable nouns and quantifiers (e. g. mucho, bastante, algunas, algo de, ningún)


2 classes per week

Classroom time: 60 hours

By the time you complete levels 7 and 8, you should be feeling so confident about your Spanish language, expression vocabulary and grammar that you can start to chat about everyday topics and issues.

At this level, you’ll be able to:

  • Ask for favours, ask to borrow things, ask if something is allowed

  • Arrange a holiday at a travel agent

  • Talk about past experiences including your weekend, holidays, etc

  • Talk about memories from your childhood

  • Try to find an item you have lost

  • Discuss changes in society

Grammar covered:

  • Pretéritos perfecto, simple and imperfecto

  • Auxiliary verbs plus infinitives (acabar de, dejar de, empezar a and volver a)

  • Auxiliary verbs plus gerundios (seguir and llevar)

  • Imperativos with tú, usted, vosotros and ustedes and imperativos plus pronouns (e.g. dámelo, cógelas, apágala)

  • Some uses of the verbs dejar, sacar y pasar.

  • Verbos pronominales (reflexivos, recíprocos, de cambios de postura y pasiva refleja)


“I can speak more fluently in the shops and with people. I can read magazines now and everyday life is easier.”

Sylvia (Level 6)

Intermedio bajo

2 classes per week

Classroom time: 60 hours

At levels 9 and 10 you’ll feel increasingly confident about engaging in discussions, debates or disagreements, armed with an expanding range of topics and vocabulary. You’ll be using language more spontaneously and naturally.

At this level, you’ll be able to:

  • Offer your opinions about current affairs

  • Read and listen to news and outline the stories to others

  • Talk about future projects, predictions, etc.

  • Role-play a car accident and deal with the paperwork involved

  • Talk about petty crime

  • Talk about the achievements and qualities of someone you admire

Grammar covered:

  • Pretérito pluscuamperfecto

  • Three other preterites

  • Passive voices

  • Future imperfect

  • Relative pronouns

  • Uses of verb poner

  • Transitive vs. reflexive verbs

Intermedio medio

2 classes per week

Classroom time: 60 hours

By the end of this level you’ll find yourself expressing ideas using both abstract and more specific language. You can now choose more subtle ways of expressing an idea by using more precise expressions and colloquial language. Classes become more student-centered, shaped by what you want to talk about.

At this level, you’ll be able to:

  • Read an entire Spanish play, and discuss it in the group

  • Make a formal complaint, both verbally and in writing

  • Criticize someone’s behavior

  • Elect yourself mayor and announce your own policy proposals

  • Role-play opposing opinions about community events (e. g. a rock festival)

  • Recount a conversation you’ve had with someone else

  • Offer advice in a tactful way (e. g. Si yo fuera tú…)

  • Draw conclusions about a past event

Grammar covered:

  • Present, preterite perfect and imperfect subjunctives (used to express wishes, doubts, probability and indirect orders)

  • Expressions using deberas, podrías, tendrías que + haber + past participle (cantado, comido, visto, etc.)

  • Revision of all indicative tenses

  • Conditional tense and sentences

  • Reported speech

“Eduardo is an excellent teacher, and the workbooks complement the classes – this is the best Spanish language teaching I have ever had.”

Sheila (Level 8)

Intermedio alto

2 classes per week

Classroom time: 60 hours

By now you should be enjoying your growing ability to explore and analize ideas in less structured, even more student-led classes. Perfectionists can resolve doubts, gain clarity and deepen their knowledge. You should be confident enough to tackle whole novels in Spanish.

At this level, you’ll be able to:

  • Express yourself precisely with a broader grammar base

  • Read a whole novel for pleasure

  • Talk about most subjects switching between past, present and future with reasonable fluency

  • Use a wide range of idiomatic expressions (refranes y argot) and understand the common use of Spanish

Grammar covered:

  • Four forms of conditional sentences

  • All subjunctive tenses

  • Different uses of imperfect, perfect and future tenses

  • Polite requests, favours and permission

  • “como si” plus subjuntive tenses

  • Revision of the four preterite tenses of the Indicative mode

Cursos Avanzados

(en español)

El curso avanzado consta de seis niveles – Niveles 15 a 20.  Cada curso tiene una duración de 20 clases de hora y media y normalmente se imparte una vez por semana. El objetivo de estos cursos es perfeccionar un nivel ya bastante alto de la lengua castellana y son una continuación natural del Nivel 14 Intermedio Alto. Los niveles 15 al 20, sin embargo, se pueden tomar en cualquier orden.

Estos seis niveles del curso avanzado están diseñados para responder a la creciente demanda de gente que ha completado el Nivel Intermedio Alto y usa el español habitualmente por razones sociales, laborales, personales o porque sencillamente reside en o viaja a España o América Latina.

Si uno ya se comunica con bastante fluidez, tiene un conocimiento gramatical y léxico amplio y está habituado a la idiosincrasia hispana pero aún nota carencias en la gramática, el vocabulario, en la comunicación o en el conocimiento de la cultura hispana entonces estos cursos pueden resultar muy útiles y, sobre todo, entretenidos.

El programa del nivel avanzado cuenta principalmente con temas de interés cultural, actividades para enriquecer el vocabulario y ejercicios de gramática.  El material didáctico es muy variado y es auténtico: artículos de diarios y revistas, programas de radio y televisión, documentales y películas, obras literarias, canciones, etc.  Las clases de estos niveles están particularmente  centradas en el alumno que participa de una manera muy autónoma y creativa en el desarrollo de las mismas.

Algunos temas que se ven son:  la actualidad española, música (flamenco, tango y salsa), el arte español y latinoamericano, la historia reciente de España, personajes literarios españoles, América Latina, la economía, los animales, La Alpujarra a través de los cinco sentidos, las redes sociales, estilos de vida, la vida en el campo, la espiritualidad, etc.

Cada tema cuenta asimismo con actividades que ayudan a consolidar vocabulario específico en la comprensión y en la producción oral y escrita,  diferencia de matiz entre palabras, uso de frases hechas, expresiones idiomáticas,  argot, etc.
Por último, el programa hace hincapié en contenidos gramaticales que suelen presentar una cierta dificultad a hablantes de este nivel como pueden ser:  el modo subjuntivo, diferencias entre tiempos pretéritos, oraciones condicionales, palabras o frases que actúan de enlaces (aunque, pues, sin embargo, con el fin de, ya que, etc.), verbos auxiliares en casos como acabar de, volver a,  soler, dejar de + infinitivo, llevar, ir, seguir + gerundio, tener, ser + participio, contraste entre formas simples y pronominales de verbos (ir-irse, venir-venirse, caer-caerse, dormir-dormirse, levantar-levantarse, etc.) y muchos otros que surgen naturalmente en el transcurso de una clase.

Este curso avanzado es, en suma, un curso para sacarse todas las dudas que uno pueda tener y, sobre todo, para disfrutar, en un ambiente distendido mediante el estudio y la comunicación,  de una cultura que es el producto histórico de gentes que comparten el mismo idioma.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.